My Garden

Here is a pic of our backyard during the summer of '96. If you pan to the right (with the arrow key) you can see the entire back yard. This area is really only 50' by 50', but since I divided it up into different areas, it appears to be larger than it is.

[My Veggies] [Seasons in My Garden] [Some of My Flower Color Schemes]

My Veggies

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For those of you who consider a vegetable garden to be the only "real" garden, here are a couple of pics of my veggies.

These are my lettuce and herbs pots. I grow my veggies in large (18 inch) pots so that:
  1. They can be close to the kitchen
  2. I can put the snail poison on the ground around the pots and still have organically grown veggies without allowing the snails to kill half of them.

Here is a shot of my cucumbers starting to grow up the trellises with a few of my flower beds vaguely visible in the background.

Seasons in My Garden

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For those of you who don't think we have seasons in California
(we do, they're the green season and the brown season,
but they come at a different time of year from the colder states),
please take a gander at these:

These are my cherry trees in the fall.

These are the same trees blossoming in the Spring, at dusk,
when their white blossoms seem to glow in the dim light
(with a few wall flowers in the foreground).

Some of My Flower Color Schemes

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Here are a few of my flower beds, keeping in mind that in my opinion, there should not be more than three colors of flowers in a bed:

Blue and yellow bed
Blue and pink bed
Blue and pink bed at a different time of year
Red and purple bed (with the white house in background)
Blue and mauve bed

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I hope you enjoyed this peek at my garden. I've designed it to suit my taste, and as I always say, there's no accounting for taste!

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